
Showing posts from February, 2010

Michael Dennis and Cooper

On Dec 1st, 2009 (7th Birth Day) my son Rajeev got a small fish as birth day gift from my neighbor Vijaya. For quite some time before this, Rajeev had been demanding for a pet. Finally, he was very happy, excited and what not!!! He named him Michael Dennis; he gave food and was just around it for 30mins. Suddenly he started crying and said; “I am doing so much for Dennis, but, he is not happy with me”. I convinced him saying that Dennis will take some time to get adjusted, as it came to us leaving its family and friends. Then he thought for a while and said “OK, let us send it back to its family”. I told him its too late in the night and that we can do the arrangement in the morning. He got up in the morning, went to school and then forgot everything; even the fact that Dennis is in the house. My mother-in-law took charge of changing water and feeding Dennis while all of us had fun watching it grow. In January, M-I-L was away for a week and it was for me & Rajeev to take care of

I am back once again!!

I was introduced to the bloggers world 2 years back, I started with a post and then stopped.. Thanks to my organization where we have internal bloggers forum, I restarted with blog posting a month back (inside the org)..Now that I am maintaining a consistency of one post a week, am back in the blog spot!! This particular post is just to re-introduce myself...